The key issue was that 5.3.7 accidentally broke is_a() for a reasonably large number of users. Unfortunately the fixup release 5.3.8 did not address this 'mistake', and after a rather fruitless exchange I gave up trying to persuade the group (most people on mailing list), that reverting the change was rather critical (at least pierre supported reverting it in the 5.3.* series).
Anyway, what's this all about, basically if you upgrade to any of these versions and
a) use __autoload()
b) any of your code calls is_a() on a string,
you will very likely get strange failures..
The change in detail.
in all versions of PHP since 4.2 the is_a signature looked like this
bool is_a ( object $object , string $class_name )
As a knock on effect from fixing a bug with is_subclass_of, somebody thought it was a good idea to make the two functions signature consistant, so in 5.3.7+ the signature is now
bool is_a ( mixed $object_or_string , string $class_name )
And to make matters worse, that change to the first 'object_or_string', will also call the autoloader if the class is not found.
How is_a() has been used in the past.
On the face of this, it would not seem like a significant change, however, you have to understand the history of is_a(), and why it was introduced. In the early days of PEAR (before PHP 4.2) there was a method called PEAR::isError($mixed), which contained quite a few tests to check if the $mixed was an object, and was an instance of 'PEAR_Error'. A while after PHP 4.2 was released, this was changed to use this new wonderfull feature, and basically became return is_a($mixed, 'PEAR_Error').
Since PEAR existed before exceptions (and is still a reasonable pattern to handle errors), It became quite common practice to have returns from methods which looked like this.
@return {String|PEAR_Error} $mixed return some data..
So the callee would check the return using PEAR::isError(), or quite often just is_a($ret,'PEAR_Error'), if you knew that the PEAR class might not have been loaded.
So now comes the change and let's see what happens.
The __autoload() issue.
Personally I never use __autoload, it's the new magic_quotes for me, making code unpredicatable and difficult to follow (read the post about require_once is part of your documentation). But anyway, each to their own, and for the PEAR packages I support I will usually commit any reasonable change that helps out people who are using autoload.
So there are users out there using autoload with my PEAR packages, as I quickly found last week. Quite a few of these packages use the is_a() pattern, and the users who had implemented __autoload() had very smartly decided that calling autoload with a name of a class that could not or did not exist was a serious error condition, and they either died, or threw exceptions.
Unfortunatly, since is_a() was sending all of the string data it got straight into __autoload(), this happened rather a lot. Leading to a run around hunt for all calls to is_a(), and code changes being put it to ensure that it never puts a string in the first argument.
The is_a(string) issue
While I'm not likely to see the autoload issue on my code, I'm not sure I really appreciate having to fix it so quickly without a timetable to change it. The other change that may cause random, undetectable bugs is the accepting a string.
imagine this bit of code
function nextTokString() {
if (!is_string($this->tok[$this->pos])) {
return PEAR::raiseError('....')
return $this->tok[$this->pos++];
... some code..
$tok =$this->nextTokString()
if (is_a($tok,'PEAR_Error')) {
return $tok;
... do stuff with string.
Now what happens if the token is 'PEAR_Error', is_a() will now return true. The big issue with this is that unless you know about the is_a() change, this bug is going to be next to impossible to find.. No warning is issued, is_a() just silently returns true, where before it just returned false.
I was hoping that PHP 5.3.9 would go out the door with this reverted, or at least a warning stuck on string usage of is_a(), but nope, none of my efforts of persuasion appear to have worked.
While I do not think the change is particularly necessary (as the use case for the new signature is very rare, and acheivable in other ways), I think reverting this change before PHP 5.3.7+ went into major deployment is rather critical. (yes it can take months before PHP releases start commonly arriving on servers). Then if it's deemed a necessary change (by vote) then go for it in 5.4... and add a warning in the next version in the 5.3 series..
Anyway the fixes / workaround:
The simplest fix is to prepend tests with is_object
if (is_a($tok,'PEAR_Error')) {
if (is_object($tok) && is_a($tok,'PEAR_Error')) {
if ( $tok instanceof PEAR_Error)) {
While you could start looking at the code and determining if you really need to prefix it with is_object(), the reality is unfortuntaly it may be simpler to stick this extra code in, just in case you start delivering strings where objects where expected.